Flying Tipplers
from the Kitbox
Directly in the front of the loft were cages used to hold the droppers. This made it very easy to quickly access a hungry dropper (a pigeon of breed other than Tippler, typically white marked) for tossing at a moments notice. Sometimes young birds don't give you much time when they really need to drop. These 9 cages were also made of 1/2" x 1" welded wire. The door lead to the garage which eventually lead to the house under covered patio. It was handy access when I wanted to walk to the loft without being seen by birds overhead, or when raining. Pictured here are several of my droppers (Helmets in this case) in a "release box" that was used to release the Tippler Teams later afternoons during the day when I was at work. There were two ways of accomplishing this. At first I used a neighbor of whom I called from a telephone to release. Later I devised an automatic timer (with battery back-up) to automate the process. Later the release boxes were mounted on the wall. Bottom row shows door after being opened. Sorry about the focus, but since I'm in the photo, I can't be blamed! That's me dropping birds from my perch. This is where I stood when dropping the team. I coached them into the fly pen from this position and had all the wires to control the doors at my fingertips. This particular photo shows me holding out some grain, while a bird perches onto my hand to get at it. It's important not to let the birds be frightened of their trainer. After all, one spook up after the tippler team has landed could spell trouble if the team can't be coaxed down within the hour. |